当前位置:首页 » 设计方案推介 » 雅帝家具公司培训室设计效果图


文章出处:网责任编辑:作者:人气:-发表时间:2012-03-31 14:01:00

  培训室也一样是白色墙体与白色会议桌为主色调,雅帝设计的培训桌子搭配黑色布尔诺椅子(Brno Chair),亮光的不锈钢架,给人一种清凉,舒适的感觉。白色写字板用使用了黑框架,黑色与白色的鲜明对比,营造出舒适、简约、时尚的培训室空间,写字板左边和右边都使用了经理室和会议室很有线条感的草图做为墙纸,突显文化艺术氛围;右边一块很大的透明玻璃墙给培训室增添了空间感。



  The training room is also use the white wall and white meeting table as main tone; Yadea uses the training table with black Brno Chair, bright stainless steel frame, feels cool and comfortable. White tablet use black frame, black color is in sharp contrast to white, create a comfortable, simple and fashionable training space, use the drawing as wall on the tablet left and right to highlight the cultural and artistic atmosphere, the huge transparent glass increased the sense of space on the right.

此文关键字:布尔诺椅子(Brno Chair),培训室,设计效果图